¿What does ARCI
offer you?
The PDF report provides you with a profile of your interests within the six (6) working environments: realistic (mechanical), research (scientific), artistic, social, enterprising (business) and conventional (data).
It also provides you with the description of each of the 10 promising careers with the career tasks, skills and abilities needed to satisfactory perform each career.
The PDF report can be easily printed and will be sent to your email.
How do you answer the
ARCI Test?
Answering all questions takes about 15 minutes. When you finish answering, you will receive the report immediately on the screen and it will also be sent to your email.

How do you pay the
ARCI Test?
About Us
Ignacio Aguilar & Associates
Our values are based on these principles:
- Our communities, countries, and the world need what you have to offer.
- A constructive action is the best answer to the problems of our societies.
- Each one of us has a mission given by God, a mission not entrusted to someone else.
- Whoever and wherever we are, every one of us has the opportunity to impact the world in a positive and constructive way.
- Everyone has the right to develop him or herself to our full potential.
- Our business must be conducted in an ethical, professional and responsible way.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ARCI test?
The ARCI © test is a psychometrically validated career assessment which identifies vocational interests and find careers that best resemble those interests or preferences. © ARCI was developed by the company Ignacio Aguilar & Associates under the principles of R-I-A-S-E-C, Dr. John Holland’s theory. This theory divides personality types and work environments or scales into five types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Business and Conventional.
How many questions does ARCI have and how long does it take to answer it?
The ARCI© test has 96 questions and takes about 15 minutes to answer. It can be used with both high school students and adults.
What is the cost of the test?
The cost of ARCI© is US $ 11.95. You can pay by credit card through the PayPal system, which is completely safe. We do not collect any information from your credit card.
What kind of report do you receive when you take ARCI©?
A PDF report with your interest profile and the score in each RIASEC (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional) work environment. It also has a list of ten (10) promising careers with the percentage of similarity with the profile. Also has an Appendix containing descriptions of the promising careers using the information contained in the O* NET database from the US Department of Labor
Do I have to print all the PDF report?
No. You can print the pages you need. It is advisable to always print the first three pages because they have the profile and the list of the most promising careers.
How accurate are the career options recommended in the report?
There is no a perfect career. Each of the ten (10) promising careers has a percentage of similarity to your interest profile. If that percentage is more than 70% the chances of career satisfaction are high. However, the ideal is to explore at least three (3) careers from the list, and read the descriptions in the Appendix, and have some sort of practice or direct intervention in the workplace where the career is performed. For this reason, it is very important that you carefully read the report before making a career decision. The report also outlines an Action Plan to help your better reach a decision.

Contact us
ARCI • You Career Now
Gainesville, FL 32607
Phone: 352-871-7702